art and architecture design-research studio + workshop_____________________________. ____________ ___

The studio’s founder James Brazil comes from a design to production background immersed in fabrication, materials and making. His curiosity and passion for prototyping ideas at scale in public spaces as a form of problem solving and critiquing of contextual urban conditions matured into the studio’s design-research process. Actively publishing and presenting research in parallel with unsolicited PAR (Participatory Action Research) actions and activities with citizen stakeholders, both serve as an integral part of project development. Design-research is the pragmatic backbone of the studio, positioning community participation within urban research, coalescing projects to make positive social impacts. Where these actions and the clients imagination find synthesis, is the basis of a creative working partnership that inspires innovation and ingenuity in our projects.
The continual experimentation-through-making and designing-through-research, creates an atmosphere of invention and possibility at all project scales. We approach each project as a unique challenge to embrace the complexities of the commons, and embed human experience as memory in the design of meaningful places.

Hadi Alhaffar, Digital Fabrication Expert + Research Architect | Mike Arnspiger, Sustainable Craftsmen + Design Builder | Dr. Pablo Baquero, Bio-Digital Researcher + Computational Designer | Natalija Boljsakov, Art-chitect + Somatics Researcher | Oscar Bravo, Electrical Engineer + IoT Open Frameworks Artist | James Brazil, Urban Designer + Core Team Member | Gabriel Cruz, Farmer + Food Business Developer | Kevin Di Nardo, Computational Designer + Core Team Member | Alejandra Diaz, Digital Fabrication Expert + Curator | Marcelo Ertorteguy & Sara Valente, Public Space Artists + Container Architecture Specialists | Albert Elias, Information Architect + Computational Designer | Juan Rodriguez Garcia, Digital Fabrication Developer + Computational Artist | Albert Gomez, Resilience Expert + Technology Manufacturer | Yvette Gonzalez, Astropreneur + Human Resilience Expert | Randa Hadi, Graphic Designer + Core Team Member | Fr. Robert Havens, Curator + Social Innovator | Kerem Halbrecht Architect + Public Space Producer | Roger Horne, Urban Farming Innovator + Food Security Expert | Dr. Tom Cole-Hunter, Environmental Scientist + Air Quality Expert | Gilly Karjevsky, Curator + Spatial Practitioner | Mark Lezniak, Social Innovation Lawyer + Urban Policy Leader | Nicholas Jones, Systemic Business Designer + Economic Development Innovator | Beno Juarez, Social Innovator + Architect | Fabio Lopez, Social Architect + Materials Expert | Gavin Mckenzie, Master Builder + Business Development Leader | Rafael Machado, Urbanist + Community Designer | Ram Matheus, Builder + Ecological Designer | Miguel Pardo, Technologist + Energy R&D Innovator | Martina Potlach, Designer + Core Team Member | Christopher Parson & Linda Emdal, Mass Timber Design Specialists + Builders | Andrew Quarrie, Social Innovator + Urban Development Leader | Sickboy, Artist + Curator | Dr. Alison Thompson, Global Emergency Response Expert + Human Resilience Leader | Kako Valladares, Social Architect + Technology Ecosystem Designer | Juanes Vallejo, Architect + Digital Fabrication Innovator | Emilio Velis Industrial Engineer + Open Source Expert | Ian Wogan, Arborist + Green Infrastructure Innovator
Art In Public Places - Miami Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs | Beach Lab | Coconut Grove Business Improvement District | Col·legi De D'arquitectes De Catalunya | Conceptual Works | CRUZ Farm | EME3 Architecture Festival | Fab Foundation | Fab Lab Barcelona | Fab Lab Peru | Fab Lab UNAL | Flying High For Haiti | Fluorescent Smogg| INSITU | Institute For Advanced Architecture Of Catalonia | Latin American Association Of Fab Labs | MADE Makerspace Barcelona | MANO | Master Of Real Estate Development And Urbanism, University Miami School Of Architecture| N’Namdi Contemporary Fine Art | Open IDEO | RANDOM Studio | Robotics Digital Fabrication Lab, Florida International University | Ruta N - Centro De Innovación y Negocios | Sónar +D | Taylor Moxey Foundation | Temps de Flors - Ajuntament De Girona| Third Wave Volunteers | True Tree Service | uAbureau | Universidad Nacional De Colombia Sede Medellín, Facultad De Arquitectura | Urban Implementation | Waissbluth Architecture Office | XIVkarats | 22@ Innovation District |
Miami | 1733 NW 21St Terrace, Miami, FL 33142
Mexico City | Pie de la Cuesta 92 Lomas de Bezares Miguel Hidalgo, CDMX, México 11190